Sunday, October 11, 2015

God's Control Before Gun Control

I hear many people today talking about how dangerous our country is getting. It's hard to understand these mass killings that seem to be escalating instead of slowing down. Because of the shootings in public places, the issue of gun control has come to the forefront again. Personally, I don't have a strong opinion on gun control, and I can see both sides of the issue. However, I do know that our constitution guarantees its citizens the right to bear arms. 

If I thought that a no-gun law would work in the United States as well as it has in the British Isles, I might be more supportive. However, I can't see that happening. For one thing, this country is much larger, more complex, and harder to regulate than places like England, and most Americans are opposed to the idea of turning in all firearms. Even strict limits would be hard to enforce, since the already existing black market in firearms would just become more popular. Criminals have always managed to get what they want. Just look at prohibition. This was a good idea on paper, but it didn't work and had to be repealed a few years later. 

I do have the answer, however, or I at least know where to turn for the answers. America needs to turn back to God. As we become more and more a nation without faith, we are going to become more and more a nation of crime and violence. You can't legislate right attitudes, responsibility, and morality. It has to be taught, and the majority of your citizens have to agree these are for the best. Historically, in all the great civilizations that fell, immorality had taken over in one form or another. Is that where America is headed? Now is the time for Christians to take a stand. Now is the time for America to turn back to God. Let's truly make this "one nation under God" again. He'll give us all the help we need to do so. His control works so much better than any policy man can come up with.

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