Friday, December 5, 2014

One of the World's Healthiest Food

I'm not one to use a lot of unqualified superlatives, but I'm just repeating what some of the sources say. Pineapple is touted as one of the world's healthiest food.

It contains an enzyme called bromelain, which has many health benefits It reduces inflammation and inhibits tumor growth. Therefore, it helps alleviate joint pain from arthritis, aids in healing open wounds, and shortens recovery time from surgery. There has even been indication it may slow the signs of aging, help with digestion, reduce bruising or the effects of sports-type injuries, improve fertility, prevent asthma, lower blood pressure, help combat free radicals that can form cancer, and aid in managing type 1 diabetes. Doesn't this sound like a real miracle food?

I'm not sure I believe pineapple can have a large hand in treating all these problems, but I do have a personal experience story. After a fall on a concrete floor while teaching in New Mexico, I ended up having to have a hip replacement. About a month before the scheduled surgery, I read where fresh pineapple is believed to help surgery patients recover faster. I love fresh pineapple, so I figured what could it hurt. I ate two or three pineapples in that month. The doctors were amazed at how quickly I recovered, and I had no problems. 

So, this is a bit of information you can store away. Some day it may be the very thing to help you or a loved one.

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