Friday, November 21, 2014

What's a Book Worth?

Today's value system leaves questions in many of our minds. When professional athletes and entertainment stars make mega-millions, and our teachers' children often qualify for reduced price school lunches if both parents don't work, we might scratch our heads.

It's the same with books. The ebooks have not only changed the reading format, but they've changed the pricing. Now, most people are no longer willing to pay $20 for a book. Many even balk at paying over $5 for an ebook. Yet, these same people have no problem paying over $5 for a cup of Starbucks specialty coffees or a dish of frozen yogurt that will be gone in a few minutes. 

With indie authors and publishers sometimes offering free ebooks, is that our expectation now? I'm an avid reader, too, and I find my mindset changing over the years. There's whole groups out there, especially on the social media sites, who expect authors to send them free books for their reviews. Are we shooting the rising star authors before they get off the ground? Is writing only going to be left to a select few?

Putting on my author's hat, I worry that I can't compete with these views. With my first novel coming out 
soon, I can't afford to give away many books, because each time I do, over $10 comes out of my own pocket. My publisher has indicated that the print copy will cost around $15 and the ebook about $5.99. Will readers think this is too high? I know that if this first one doesn't sell well, the next one won't be published.

I find my answer right now from my place as a Christian writer. I am writing to give God the glory. I feel He has given me whatever talent I have and that's why I plan to donate all of my book profits to charities. None if this is about the money or fame for me, but I need to sell if I want to keep doing this. So, I turn the dilemma over to God. I am His and my writing is His. To Him be the glory and may His will be done.

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