The First Thanksgiving
Do you think the first Thanksgiving in America happened with the Pilgrims in Massachusetts. Some in Virginia would say, "Think again." Berekley Plantation, between Williamsburg and Richmond, claims that honor.
Commissioned by the London Company, a group of men set sail from Bristol, England, on September 16, 1619, on the
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Good Ship Margaret, under the command of Captain Woodlief. After encountering storms and poor living conditions aboard ship, they landed in Chesapeake Bay on November 28, 1619. On November 30, the ship moved into what now is Hampton Roads. The captain met with some friends and then proceeded up the King James River and landed at Berekley on December 4. Captain Woodlief had the men kneel, and, as commanded by the London Company, he prayed:
"We ordaine this day of our ships arrival, at the place assigned for Plantacon, in the land of Virginia, shall be yearly perpetually kept holy as a day of Thanksgiving to Almighty God" (
James River |
This was 1 year and 17 days before the Pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts and almost 2 years before they held their harvest feast. Morgan Murphy of Southern Living procalimed Berkely Plantation the "site of the first official Thanksgiving in 1619." For more documentation, visit the Berkeley website.
Berkeley Plantation |
The history of Berkeley continued. A Georgian mansion was constructed on the site in 1726, and Presidents Benjamin Harrison and William Henry Harrison were born there. It also boast several other noteworthy events. Berkeley Plantation is a beautiful estate and well-worth a visit.
Location: 12602 Harrison Landing Road, Charles City, Virginia 23030
Phone: 804-829-2962 or 1-888-466-6018
Open: January - mid-March - 10:30-3:30 & mid-March - December 9:30-4:30
Admission price: Adults $11; children 6-12 $6, 13-16 $7.50
10% discount for AAA members, military, & seniors
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