Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Arts Council Connection

The day before Jim and I left for our whirlwind trip to Alabama and Texas (see blog for January 25, 2016), I went to sign books at the Bertie County Arts Council. It turned out to be a great day - well planned and organized. They seemed to have also done a good job of promoting the event, because the traffic through was steady.

Besides me, they had also invited an artist to show his work and give a demonstration. I didn't sell out of books, but I had sales, there was a lot of interest, and I enjoyed talking with everyone. It's always a joy to discuss my books and writing.

While I was traveling, someone from the arts council contacted me and asked if I would be willing to place some books in their store for them to sell. Of course, I said "yes." I'm excited about this new outlet. Apparently, people have been asking for the books. I know many asked me about the third one in the Appalachian Roots Series, which is being published now, and where they would be able to get it.

My promotions and events have slowed somewhat during the winter, and I'm always looking for new opportunities. If anyone in my area (North Carolina, Southern Virginia, or Northern South Carolina) would like me to speak or do a book signing, please contact me. Since all my profits go to a scholarship fund for missionary children, even many churches have asked me to speak and had me sign books afterwards. To God be the glory in it all!

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