Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Playing Cards

Playing cards were invented in China around the 9th century. The English-style of playing cards most of us are familiar with have been around since the 14th century. There was a time when many people looked on them as sinful, at least what some people chose to do with them.

Cards were made with many designs. At first the design varied according to the country where they were produced, and some were colorful and elaborate.  Not all decks even had 52 cards. A Swiss set might have 36, a German one 32, and French Tarot cards would have 78. In other parts of the world, aside from those with English and French influence, the suits have symbols other than hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades.

As you might suspect, some people collect playing cards, and certain ones can be worth a lot of money. You can even find cards produced for special interests and themes. Celebrity cards have always been popular, and so have those with royalty or sports themes. Book characters would be a favorite of mine. What would you choose?


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