Thursday, August 1, 2024

Coming to Christ

Yesterday, as part of my morning devotion, I came across a very good narrative of what salvation means. Not only is it important to reach out to those who haven't committed to Christ, but it's so crucial that it's good for longtime Christians to reflect on their salvation throughout their Christian walk. This one comes from Sandra Kennedy.

"Being born again is the most important event in the life of any human. In that moment, our eternal destination is changed and we have a home in Heaven with God. At the same time, God comes to live within us by His Spirit. Being born again allows us to know God and be in a relationship with Him. He guides us, helps us, counsels us, provides for us, protects us."

"... it's important that you find a church that believes and teaches the Word of God so you can become grounded in the Word and have fellowship with other believers. Ask the Lord to lead you to the church He wants you to attend. Read the Bible each day. That's how we grow spiritually."

"Walking in a relationship with God is a wonderful adventure. Getting to know the Lord is a fun and exciting lifelong journey that will bring you joy.  . . . walk with Him day by day. Love Him. Worship Him, Live for Him."


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