Thursday, August 22, 2024


Captaining Your Ship

Read Matthew 14:25-33.

You may remember the story of Peter walking on water. When Jesus came to join the disciples on the boat, He walked on the Sea of Galilee to get to them. Peter saw him coming and asked to join Him. Jesus told him to come. Peter pushed down his doubts and got out of the boat. At first, he walked on the water toward Jesus because he kept his eyes on his Lord, but when the raging storm drew his attention, he began to sink. Jesus reached out and saved him. However, note that Peter trusted Jesus enough to take the risk and leave the boat.

Too often, we do the same thing. We have good intentions, but we give our circumstances too much attention and take our eyes off Jesus. Sometimes, trusting God requires what looks like letting go of our comfortable, secure positions, and that's hard to do. Still, we have to get out of the boat because faith doesn't grow well in shallow water. It's a matter of trust. Do we take God at His promises and believe His Word? We'll be fine if we keep our eyes on Him and do His will.

At other times, we try to be captains of our own ships, thinking we can handle it, but that's not a good plan if we want to arrive safely at our destinations. Pride can quickly sink a ship. Let God steer you. Let Him be the captain and never plan a mutiny. He'll guide you safely home.


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