Thursday, September 15, 2022

Spending Time

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33).

Have you ever wished someone you loved would stop being so busy and spend some quality time with you? Have you longed for someone's undivided attention for just a little while? Have you wished you could be a priority in someone's life?  Perhaps this is how God feels about you. Do you spend the time you need to with Him, or are you too distracted by worldly things? We make time for things that are important to us.

"Prayer is a privileged invitation from a Holy God.... How awesome is that? He wants to have a relationship with us. As a result, he meets our spiritual and emotional needs. Isn't that precisely what we're looking for? ...we're made to need Him. He is the Creator and the greatest satisfaction for our longing souls." We will never be truly satisfied or have lasting joy until we give Him full reign of our lives. And He's always there, waiting for us to come to Him fully.

"Have you been a casual Christian going through the motions? Have you been a backsliding Christian? Do you need to recommit your life to Christ...?" Do you spend time in His Word and pray daily? Have you spent enough time with God to develop a close, personal relationship? If not, you can begin today. He's calling you to do just that.

Quoted parts taken from Pursuing Prayer by Penny Cooke


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