Heartfelt Prayer
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not (Jeremiah 33:3).
Our prayer time should be a time of intimate connection with God. It was never meant to be a dutiful time of rotely praying, perhaps even using nearly the same prayer or list to aid us day after day. Lists in themselves or repetitive prayers aren't wrong, but any prayers we make should be heart-felt. There needs to be a sense of communicating with the Almighty God of the Universe, the Father who loves us beyond our understanding. We can let His Spirit be our guide.
John Walker once said, "We spend more prayer energy trying to keep sick Christians out of heaven than trying to keep lost people out of hell." Think about it. Do you or your church family spend more time praying for the sick and wanting to keep them on earth longer than in praying for lost souls? Do we even pray for the lost anymore?
If we think our prayers are boring, how must God feel? But if we open our hearts, begin with a spirit of worship and awe, and establish a special connection where we feel his presence strongly, our prayers will be satisfying and even exciting. We will crave more of this one-on-one time with our Maker. This kind of praying will change us, and our faith will soar on the wings of growing faith and joy.
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