You may have heard the story of the candy cane, but it bears repeating. It's a good reminder of what Christmas is all about and provides an opportunity to share the good news of Christ with those around us.
The candy maker fashioned the stick of candy in the shape of a "J" to stand for "Jesus." If turned the other way, it also represents the Good Shepherd's staff that He uses to reach down into the ditches and ravines of the world to rescue those who call on Him.

Over time, the candy cane has lost much of its original meaning. Too many see it as nothing more than a sweet treat or a piece of decoration. But the sweetest part of all is when it is used to witness to the wonder of Jesus' great sacrifice and love.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16).
This is what they translated His Name Yahusha into Latin?
ReplyDeleteA lot of REPEATS! But this has got to be DRILLED IN, SOLDIERS!
Please, Please Please, do not dishonor Yahuah our Yahusha's Name by placing jesus on equal grounds with our Messiah as being one and the same, as His Name Yahusha exposes their christ as the antiTorahMessiah of Revelation, the lawlessone we've been expecting, yes, it's been jesus the whole time!
Christianity, where catholics and protestants are joined to the hip in the Catholic christ the Protestants accepted when they came out of her and started their protestant movement and brought her christ they called jesus with them, did they not, her teachings of lawlessness through this christ?
Yes this christ of lawlessness taught to us from the beginning of Constantine through the Catholic Universal Church, their christ of lawlessness, who took our Yahusha and blended Him into their ways and their order, abolishing His Name by changing His Name, convincing the people they had to Transliterate His Sacred and Set Apart Name He Gave Only to His People the Jews in order for them to also abolish His Feasts, His Festivals, His Sabbaths, His Statutes His Ordinances, Yahuah's Ways and Yahuah's Order, His Commandments, Everything Jewish, Everything Hebraic, forbidden to be taught through the Catholic Universal Church, through the teachings of the Catholic lawless christ, and ultimately Satans own lawlessness!
Yes, 2000 years and Israel is finally waking up!
So please do not speak Israel's Father's Name nor His Son's Name according to a transliterated name According to a gentile pagan tongue!
Respect and Honor Yahuah and Learn and Understand that when you take HIS NAME into another nation's language and transliterate it according to their language in their tongue, you place over your Creators NAME a name He did not speak to His people, Satan has you Mock His Name believing his lie, that you must transliterate it for them according to their tongue! That's Satan's whole Mockery, to Mock His Set Apart Name!
Honor and respect the Set Apart Name of Yahuah our Yahusha, for you cannot serve two masters, being the same master, as one demands Obedience from His Followers, the Hebrew Messiah Yahusha and the other lawlessness, jesus their christ, the same master, now can you?
Yahuah gave HIS NAME to HIS PEOPLE, so if your going to claim our Yahuah you must learn to Honor HIS NAME ABOVE ALL names and lean to speak His Name as we teach you, that you may also become His People, Israel, who will have but one Name written upon our foreheads, but that is only posable through Yahuah and Yahuah alone as He calls and draws those He sees seeking Him and His Truths!
We are Israel His People He has called out and set apart by His Name and we are Standing Guards on the Watchtower guarding over his Torah, and we His People, we will continue to correct those ignorant of Israel's Messiah's Name, that they too may Respect and Honor The Only Set Apart Name He gave to Israel so that near the end they would not be deceived, as all of Israel will be saved! We understand this Truth and hope you will to!
Now is not the time for debate now so time to Run from here and Seek Him about what has been spoken and given to you today, and if you come back and I see a change, hey, let's fellowship in TRUTH as He is TRUTH! Let's all be taught by TRUTH and share Only what TRUTH teaches us, for only YAHUAH is TRUTH, shall we?