Tuesday, December 19, 2017

How Long Does it Take to Write a Book?

I make a conscious effort not to wince every time I'm asked the question, and it's actually the question I'm asked most often. I feel like answering, "Much too long," but I don't. I answer it quickly and hope to move on to other topics about my books or writing because I do love to talk about both.

I really have no idea the total number of hours I put into writing a book, and it's probably better I don't. In addition, the writing times vary so much for me. I can write quickly if I can find the time or just figure the actual contact hours. I wrote a 101,000-word rough draft in only three weeks because I had the block of time to give it. However, most of the time, I have too many starts and stops because of other obligations, and the weeks it takes me to finish the story stretches out. I don't think it's ever taken me more than three months to finish a rough draft, though.

The problem is that when the rough draft's done, the novel is still a long ways from being finished. The edits and rewrites are tedious and demanding. However, I like every step in the process. Writing is truly a labor of love for me, and the reward comes when readers tell me they love it, too.

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