Sunday, June 21, 2015

A Threefold Cord

Read Exodus 17:8-13. As the Israelites traveled in the wilderness to flee Egypt, not everyone in the huge group (estimated from 110,000 to 3.5 million) moved at the same pace. Teachers find it hard to keep 25 students together, so you can image how difficult it was for Moses with a group that stretched for many miles. 

Some of the Jews had taken as much wealth with them as they could carry. The Amalekites began to attack the stragglers in order to steal and plunder. Moses sent Joshua to attack the enemy and put a stop to this. He, Aaron, and Hur climbed a hill to watch the battle.
As long as Moses held the "rod of God" up high, Joshua's soldiers triumphed, but he became tired, and when he lowered his arms, the enemy began to win. When it became too difficult for Moses to hold his arms and the rod high, Aaron got on one side of him and Hur on the other, and they supported his arms. The Israelites were victorious.

God's plan is for Christians to help and support each other. Whatever the need, we must be willing to give our prayers, encouragement, time, money, or other resources to help out brothers and sisters in Christ.

We should find two people we can trust to be our prayer partners and mentors, because the Bible tells us that "... a threefold cord is not quickly broken" (Ecclesiastes 8:12). The cords could be seen as God, you, and Christian friends. Just as Aaron and Hur supported Moses in a time of need, we should accept help from and give support to each other.

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