Monday, February 8, 2016

National Kite Flying Day

February 8 is National Kite Flying Day. One would think that would come in March, due to the "March winds." I remember trying to fly kites. It was never as easy to get them off the ground as it looked. I wasn't successful but about half the time. I also remember when I taught school, we'd read a story about kites and I'd let the students make their own kites. A few of them flew well.

Kites were invented in China, probably around the 5th century. In 549, a Chinese kite was used to deliver a message in a rescue mission. Soon they were also used for things like measuring distances, testing the wind, communications for the military, and even lifting men. As the idea spread, other counties made their own designs.

There are all kinds of contests for kites, and they're particularly popular in beach areas. The highest recorded altitude for a single kite is 16,009 feet above ground level. Could you even see one flying that high? I like to see kites flying in the breezes and think they're beautiful. Just thinking about National Kite Flying Day makes me want to go out and fly a kite.

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