Monday, September 16, 2024

 Hotel in 1880 Town

Most Western towns had someplace for guests to stay, although communities too small to be called a town might not. Before the railroad came to town, boarding houses often offered that service, but the railroad brought growth, and hotels were a part of that. All my Western novels have either a boarding house or a hotel, but the establishment plays a more important role in some than others.

1880 Town in Middletown, South Dakota, had a hotel, but today's visitors weren't allowed inside yet, so I have no photos to show of the interior. However, I assume it looked like other historic hotels in the region, such as ones at the Patee House in St. Joseph, Missouri. Besides the hotel, 1880 Town had more than one saloon with rooms to rent. This was typical of Western towns at the time. Deadwood, South Dakota, had more saloons than all other businesses combined.

Patee House


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