Monday, June 10, 2024

 Wishy-Washy or Incomplete Answers

So long ago that I don't remember when, I learned that, if I wanted to make good grades, be successful, or win competitions, I needed to follow directions, guidelines, and rules. If I don't want to do that, I don't expect success. That theory has done me well and allowed me to be somewhat of an over-achiever.

I must have learned this somewhere in my early school years because I remember it being in place when I attended college. It helped me test well, make better grades than I would have otherwise, and establish a good rapport with some of my professors. I have even won four prestigious awards as a teacher, as well as scholarships for summer travel to India and Mexico by following the guidelines and being thorough on the applications.

I've also won numerous contests and hundreds of county fair ribbons by carefully following the guidelines. So, I don't understand it when I hold online event contests to give away some of my books, and people only give vague or half answers. They certainly don't reply appropriately to the question or task given. I disregard those answers and only draw from the complete ones.  I feel that avid readers, of all people, should be able to read and follow directions. If they don't, it's not fair to the ones who do to be rewarded. 


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