Thursday, June 20, 2024


In his book, Spiritual Warfare Answer Book, David Jeremiah gives an excellent explanation of sanctification. I thought I would share it with you:

"The word sanctification means 'to be set apart for a special purpose.' It is another way of looking at our journey with Christ. . . ."

There are three parts to sanctification --

Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate (Hebrews13:12).

"Post sanctification happened the moment you said yes to Christ by accepting His offering of Himself on the cross as payment for your sins, and you were washed by the blood of Christ. God declared that your debt was paid in full. He reserved a place for you in the heavenly places for eternity, and the Holy Spirit entered your heart. And that is just the past part!"

Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth (John 17:17).

"Present sanctification is an ongoing process as, spiritual molecule by spiritual molecule, we are conformed to the image of Christ through the Holy Spirit. Through prayer and by studying His Word, we become victors over issues in our lives as we become more like Christ. We learn to make decisions that honor Him. . . ."

. . . the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23b).

"Then, the most thrilling of all, there is future sanctification. There will be a day when we are finally freed from the presence of sin. As there can be no sin in heaven, no impurity in God's holy presence, sin must ultimately be eliminated. I can't imagine how wonderful that will be."

"Sanctification is the process of growing in holiness -- living every day in the light of who we are in Christ."


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