Monday, February 20, 2023

 Simplifying Research

As a history and English major, I like doing research. However, as an author who will be publishing fifteen or sixteen books this year, my time is limited. Often, I don't need to wade through tomes and volumes about a place to do my background research; I just need some basic information. I've discovered juvenile books to be a good unexpected source for this. The available information is already condensed into what's most important, and yet they are more thorough than the internet or encyclopedia article.

This, of course, gives me the background information. As I get into the writing, I'll need to research some of the specifics that come up, but that's true no matter what sources I use for my background information and general research. I usually find some of these specific details on the internet.  If I can't find something I really need there, I start contacting libraries, museums, historical societies, or other appropriate organizations that might have the information or know.

Research is a lot like sleuthing or detective work. I guess that's why I like it. It can be a challenge, but I enjoy finding the answers.


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