Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Walls of Jericho 

(See Joshua 6)

Jericho was one of the first strongholds the Israelites needed to conquer in order to possess the land across the Jordan River that God promised to them. The city was one of the oldest settlements, dating back to 9,000 B.C., and it had the oldest wall in the world built for protection that we know of. Nearby springs made it appealing -- an oasis in the desert area. 

In the early settlement, the wall around Jericho was almost twelve feet high and six feet thick at its base. It had a twenty-eight-foot tower that was thirty feet wide at ground level and surrounded more than seventy homes. However, the city was abandoned several times and later reestablished. The Amorites had it in 2,600 B.C., and the Canaanites occupied it in 1,900 B.C. It was destroyed by an earthquake and fire in 1573 B.C., but again, it was rebuilt.

The Israelites came to Jericho around 1400 B.C. Two spies were aided by Rahab, a harlot, and escaped capture. The Israelites followed God's directions through Joshua and marched around the wall for seven days carrying the Ark of the Covenant. On the seventh day, they blew their trumpets made from rams' horns, called shofars, and shouted. The walls fell, and the city was taken. Rahab and her family were saved and taken into the Hebrew culture.

There are many lessons from what happened at Jericho. God can break down the strongest walls. Our God is a God of miracles, things often turn out for the best when we follow God's plan, no person is beyond God's reach, and anyone can put aside his or her old life and enter into a meaningful new life through faith. How great is our God!


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