Thursday, December 3, 2020

 Hungry for the Word

See Mark 8.

I have great compassion for the multitude, because they have now been with me three days, and have nothing to eat (Mark 8:2)

The crowd of around four thousand people had been listening to Jesus teach for three days, and they'd had no food for that length of time. Think about this. How many people today consider spiritual food more important than physical food and would fast for three days to hear God's Word preached?

And if I send them away fasting to their own houses, they will faint by the way; for divers of them came from far (Mark 8:3).

In addition, some of them had traveled great distances, and travel wasn't easy in those days. Most of them would have walked like Jesus and His disciples. But even for those who rode a donkey or horse, the journey would have been taxing with few conveniences, and the return trip would be just as grueling.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world. and lose his own soul? (Mark 8:36). 

Today, some people get upset if the preacher ends the service a few minutes past noon because they're too concerned about Sunday dinner. Would most of us stay for three days without food to listen to the Word of God? Do we even read the Bible daily? What is really important to us? It should be the Lord.



  1. My Mother's family was from the western NC and eastern TN mountains: Madison County, NC and Greene County, TN. Some of them were Baptist preachers. Rev. Moses Freeman and Rev. Billy Reese (father and son-in-law) preached at Bull Creek Baptist Church just outside of Mars Hill before the War of Northern Aggression. That church has a replica of the original log church with the dirt floors, the split log benches and the history on the wall including my two ancestors. Back then you got up before the chickens to get your chores done, dressed, food and then walked, rode horses or rode in a wagon to get to church. You were cold or hot, depending on the weather. You didn't have cushioned pews, carpet for your feet, heating and air conditioning, heated baptistries, sound systems, chandeliers and musical instruments. Preachers didn't have elite college educations and all the resource and reference materials to study the Word. And, yet, people came whenever there was preaching to hear the Word of God. We have been blessed with so much and, yet, our society has taken little advantage of it today. We are more ignorant of the Word and God than probably ever before in American history. We have free public education, Bibles in modern English, free Bible study materials, technology, churches on every corner, educated pastors and teachers and we remain ignorant about the things of God!?! It's shocking that so many don't know the very basics like John 3:16, the Lord's Prayer, the Ten Commandments. I refused to be one of the ignorant and have study the Word myself. I also try to attend an indepth Bible study at least once a year and we attend church. (I hope COVID19 doesn't stop me from attending a Bible study this coming year.) I don't want to be ignorant of my God and His Word to me.

  2. Very interesting. My family is from western NC, and some of my ancestors were Baptist preachers. I agree with you that we need to take our faith more seriously. You are to be commended.
