Comparing Paul and Jonah
Rome |
Surprisingly, Paul and Jonah have quite a lot in common. Both men were Jews who worshipped God and were called to serve Him. God called Jonah to go to Ninevah, the largest city in the Assyrian Empire, and He called Paul to go to Rome, another huge city and the center of the Roman Empire. Both cities were known for their wickedness, and these two preachers were supposed to deliver God's messages among the pagans there, messages they didn't think would be well-received. Both men boarded ships and experienced terrible, life-threatening storms which endangered the entire ship, passengers, and crew. Both men knew what they needed to do for the men to survive.

But of course, there were also differences. They lived in completely different time periods. We find Jonah in the Old Testament, while Paul helped build the early Christian church in the New Testament. Paul felt the need to go to Rome and even looked forward to telling them about Christ. Jonah abhorred going to Ninevah and ran in the other direction. Paul faced many obstacles on his way - a near beating, injustices, imprisonment, a shipwreck, etc. Jonah faced a storm and being swallowed by a great fish, but his main obstacle was himself and his attitude.
Jonah |
Although Jonah eventually learned he had to obey God, he did so reluctantly. If you search the book of Jonah, you will be hard-pressed to find a single incident where Jonah was happy. Perhaps he had been so in the past when everything was going his way, but not after God asked him to do something he didn't want to and he disobeyed. Paul, on the other hand, seemed to glow with happiness and peace after his conversion on the Road to Damascus. Despite all the terrible situations he found himself in, he could be joyous. Why? He was being obedient to God and knew he was in God's will. There is no better place to be. Obedience to God brings peace and joy.
Where are you in your Christian life? Are you more like Jonah or Paul? You can make any needed changes right now, and you have the Holy Spirit to guide and help you. Pray about it.
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