I know many indie authors who don't bother with publishing print books. They only put their books out in ebook formats. I don't understand the wisdom of this, because it doesn't take much effort to publish a print version from somewhere like Createspace once the e-version is done.

I have been surprised to find that my print books have actually sold as well as, if not better than, the ebooks. This is true, even though I put my Kindle books on sale occasionally and don't the print ones. The huge majority of my readers say they prefer a print book where they can turn the pages and flip through it.
In addition, I personally sell a lot of books at presentations and book signings. I wouldn't be able to do that with only ebooks. Although I like print books better for study and research, I love my ebook when it comes to reading for pleasure. I think eventually there will be more of my readers who prefer the e-format, but for now, I'm glad to offer both. I figure two markets are better than just one.
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