Monday, October 16, 2017

National Dictionary Day

October 16th has been designated as National Dictionary Day to commemorate Noah Webster's birthday. He was born on October 16, 1758, and spent 27 years compiling the first American dictionary, which he published in 1807. By 1840, when the second edition came out, it had sold around 25,000 copies.

Most Americans are quite familiar with the dictionary. In school, we were often required to use it. Today, many of us may use an online version more often, but even that one can attribute it's beginning to Webster. He's considered the father of the American dictionary.

So today, in honor of National Dictionary Day, why not consult a dictionary and learn two new words that you use throughout the day. If you like words and language skills, you might even pull out a word game, like Scrabble or pull up one on your computer. I carry some on my Kindle all the time. As an author, I consider it training, or at least that's my rationalization.

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