Abraham Lincoln once said, "God must love the common man; He made so many of them." There's a lot of truth in that statement. All through the Bible, God used the most ordinary people to fulfill His purpose. The list is too long to even begin to name them, but you can probably think of many yourself.
Mary and Joseph were two of those common, ordinary people. Joseph was a carpenter, a common laborer. And Mary was just a teenage woman engaged to be married. When God could have chosen anyone to be the earthy parents of His son, even royalty or noted scholars, he chose two insignificant, little-known people from the lowly town of Nazareth.
Then Jesus is born in the stable of a common inn in Bethlehem among the animals. And, who is the first to visit the Christ-child and spread the Good News? Shepherds, those near the bottom of the Jewish social scale.
I can see several reasons why God made these choices. First of all, common people aren't as likely to have inflated egos or to depend totally on themselves. God can often use them easier. Then, by using ordinary people, God can be glorified, because others can see His hand. Remember when the religious leaders were amazed at the teachings that came from Peter and the apostles, who were uneducated men.
So, as we approach another Christmas, be aware of God's call on your own life. Quit using excuses of why you can't answer his call and realize that you can do anything through Christ, who strengthens you. If God calls you, He will equip you. Let Him do amazing things through ordinary you.
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