Wednesday, January 9, 2019

How Do Readers Choose Their Books?

A number of factors determine which book a reader will choose to buy, and those will vary with each reader. However, we can draw some generalizations. One of the biggest concerns is the genre. Some people enjoy books from many different genres while others will only read books from one or two, but most readers have specific likes and dislikes.

Price is also an important consideration. Some buyers set a limit and will not pay above a certain amount for a book. Others buy mainly from the sales. However, there are a few who pay little attention to the price if they find the book appealing. When you look at the costs of other entertainment today, books are really a bargain, and especially ebooks.

Other concerns might also play a part in book selection. A well-designed cover helps. Reviews are important, especially to those many readers who buy their books online. The description of the book needs to be interesting, and even the number of pages the book has might be a factor. In addition, knowing something about the author and his or her books or writing can help. What factors do you look for when considering a book?


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