Wednesday, February 22, 2017

I'm a Christian Writer

I am unabashedly a Christian writer. When I taught school, I wrote for many different magazines, but when I began my first novel, I knew I wanted to write for the Christian market. I did this for two main reasons. First of all, I see my writing as a gift from God, and I want to use it to glorify His name. Secondly, I want to write books I can be proud of and wouldn't be ashamed to have my grandchildren read.

This leads me to one of the problems I've found with being a Christian writer. When I say that I see my writing as a gift from God, some people think that I'm being boastful. Others think I have a superiority complex. Nothing could be further from the truth. I might boast about God, but I know how short I fall in meeting His standards. However, that's what grace is for. It's not about me or what I can do but about God and what He has done for me.

When I began looking for a publisher, I was concerned about how I would go about promoting my books. To a certain extent, an author needs to put their name out there. However, if people remember my books and find inspiration, encouragement, and truths that glorify God, I truly don't care if they ever remember my name or not. Although being a Christian writer can pose some special concerns, it also delivers great blessings.


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