Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Ides of March

Most of us have probably heard of the Ides of March, but could you tell someone what it is? It actually stems from an ancient Roman holiday. March 15th marks the Ides of March. Originally, each month in the old Roman calendar had an Ides, and sacrifices were made to the gods then. Later, during the Imperial Period, the Ides began a week of holy festivals. 

In 44 BC, history remembers the Ides of March, because that's when Julius Caesar was assassinated - stabbed 23 times. William Shakespeare wrote a play about Caesar, which included this. In it, he had the soothsayer warn, "Beware of the Ides of March." 

This year in the United States, there will be some elections held on the Ides of March. For example, voters in North Carolina will go to the polls to vote on candidates in the primaries today. Should we beware?


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