Saturday, August 22, 2015

A New Writing Experience

I've always wanted to go to a writers' retreat with a chance to write in different surroundings, often a quite pretty one. When I was single, I even gathered information about various retreats, especially those with grant opportunities. However, because of extenuating circumstances, I never ended up attending one.

Now, however, I've come to one, and I'm writing from Lake Tahoe led by the top Christian writer, Mary Lu Tyndall. Tamara Leigh, famous for her medieval series, is also attending. How exciting is that! I've been looking forward to meeting everyone, absorbing as much as possible, and having a great time with fellow writers. Although I've been to both California and Nevada, I've never been to Lake Tahoe before.

I left very early Wednesday morning. By the time I arrived in Stateline, Nevada, where the house is located, I'd already been up for twelve hours, and it was only 2 p.m. here. I had a car and driver pick me up at the airport in Reno and bring me out, because that was actually cheaper than renting a car. I plan to check into that option more often when I travel.

I managed to get everything packed into one carry-on bag and a small tote bag, even with some of my novels. You can imagine how tired my Eastern-time body was when I got to bed on Pacific time. I had been up for 25 hours straight. However, I'm a seasoned traveler, and I adjusted. I'll write more about the sessions and retreat itself in another blog, so stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. I've never been to a writers' retreat, but I'm still reaping the benefits of a conference for writers, editors and publishers that I attended in 2013.
