Monday, July 15, 2024

Zoe on Audible

You may remember when Zoe published, I explained that the Audible version would be delayed because I decided to wait for the narrators I thought would be best for this project to become available. (See blog.They finished the project, ACX approved it, and it just became available for purchase.

Zoe on Amazon

Zoe on Audible

Emma Faye
When a book has many different male and female roles and a variety of voices, I try to find dual narrators, both a male and a female. I have used Adam Skousen before to narrate several of my books. He's one of the most professional, talented narrators I've ever worked with. I recently learned that his wife also narrates, and I contracted for both of them to produce Zoe. I'm excited with the results, and I think listeners will be pleased.

Adam Skousen

Zoe is set on the Santa Fe Trail with plenty of adventure and challenges. Join Zoe and Clay on their perilous journey and unexpected developments, and listen to these talented narrators bring the story to life.


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