Monday, July 8, 2024

 Gypsies in My Next Book

I've been blessed to be able to travel extensively, and I was surprised to find gypsies in most European countries. Personally, I encountered most of them in Ireland and Spain. This sparked a special interest in their lifestyle, and when I started publishing books, I always knew I wanted to include gypsies sometime.

The first "sometime" came with my next book to be published, Carmen's Wedding Dilemma. In the novel, Carmen's father is falsely accused of a crime in Spain, so he and his family leave their gypsy camp in the middle of the night and sail to America. Carmen is born several months later, and the family ends up owning a horse ranch in Southern Utah. I'll be writing more about their story later.

Link to Carmen

The gypsies in Spain are called Cale (Kah.lay'). There, as in most places, gypsies have historically experienced prejudiced and discrimination. They may be barred from entering certain establishments, and it was hard for them to find gainful employment if people learned of their backgrounds. Because of this Carmen's family hides their heritage.


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