My Book Covers
(To be published. Design by Charlene Raddon) |
Like most authors and avid readers, I love book covers. I collect them, even some of the ones I don't use for my books right away. I have an idea file of special covers that appeal to me and go with a story idea I have. I don't want to buy too many covers ahead and perhaps never get around to writing them, so I add them to a file I can turn to when needed. But even with that, I have eleven covers right now I have purchased that are waiting for me to write their story and one I've already written. However, all of these are included in my publishing schedule for either 2025 or 2026.
I have also designed some of my own covers, but I only have a very basic design program which is unable to do all the things a professional program can. Writing in multiple-author projects has me using more professional cover designers than I did after I first broke from my traditional publisher and went independent. I love looking at premade covers and using my imagination for a story. I find it inspiring. But buying book covers can become expensive for the small, independent author. I often end up paying from $90 to $140 for the ebook, print, and Audible covers for a book, and this is the low end of the rates. I know having professional covers has increased my sales somewhat, but I don't know if they've made up the additional cost.I've used many cover designers over the ten years I've been releasing books. Here are most of them and a sample of their work:
Hannah Nichols (with traditional publisher) -
Virginia McKevitt (MAP) -
Nancy Fraser (MAP) -
Marie Higgins (MAP) -
Kim Cunningham (MAP) -
Randi Gammons (MAP) -
Charlene Raddon -
Angela Horning-Archer (MAP) -
Dawn LeGros (to be published) -
JoAnn Durgin (to be published) -
And here are a few of the many I've designed -
(Christian nonfiction) -
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