Monday, August 14, 2023

Using @everyone

I'm rather appalled at the number of people who are using Facebook's @everyone to pull people to their posts on author, reader, and book pages. When it is a general post that has little to interest me or doesn't apply, I find it rude and annoying, and those who use it casually aren't doing themselves any favors. In fact, they are alienating readers rather than building a platform.

I belong to one group where the administrator does this each morning. I've learned to just delete the notification without going there, but I'm considering leaving the group because of it. This afternoon, I got another @everyone from a young lady drawing people to the information she'd blogged, and I've gotten others. The number of Facebookers overusing the feature seems to be growing.

Now, there are some legitimate uses for this tag, and I appreciate those. For example, I'm in several MAP groups where authors come together to write the books in a series. When administrators need to get information out to all the writers in the group, the @everyone tag is helpful and even essential. I just hope those using it unnecessarily will reconsider what they're doing and quit trying to force themselves on the rest of us.



  1. I belong to several reader groups and pages and a few craft groups.
    Rarely have any used the tag casually.

    I've unfollowed groups and pages, instead of leaving them, when their notifications become a bother. Of course, then I have to remember to check to see if they've posted anything relevant to me.

    1. I just hope the people doing this will understand and make adjustments.
