Monday, April 18, 2022

 Writing Ahead

So far, I've managed to stay ahead of my publishing schedule, even though I keep adding books to it. Right now, I'm finishing the rough draft of one that will publish on December 30th of this year. Unless I add one more in November, which I am considering, I will have everything written for 2022. 

I also have three out of the ten for 2023 written. I like to stay ahead like this because it's more fun for me if I don't feel pressured. It also makes it possible for my narrators to start on the audible edition early enough to have it ready when the ebook and paperback are released. I can do this by putting the books up for preorder, which allows me to submit them to ACX, the Audible division of Amazon.

The biggest problem with this is that I'm writing the manuscripts faster than my favorite editor can edit them. The number of MAPS (multiple-author projects) that I'm involved in, along with a few of my standalones and series, dictates that I publish almost one book a month. I've found a second editor that I can use when I need to, but, as experience has taught me, good editors that I can afford are hard to find. I feel blessed to have two.

I find all of this exciting and a lot of fun. I hope I continue to stay ahead and can maintain this pace. I don't agree to do a novel unless I already have the story idea in place, and so far, I've never run out of story ideas. They just keep coming -- another great blessing.


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