Thursday, April 14, 2022

 The Son Rise

He is not here; for he is risen (Matthew 28:6a).

The cross would have little meaning beyond death without the resurrection. Because Christ took our sins to the cross and then rose from the tomb to conquer death, we can have a glorious eternal life with Him. Easter celebrates this, and many churches hold sunrise services as part of this celebration.


The first recorded sunrise service took place in a Moravian congregation in Herrnhut, Germany in 1732. As missionaries journeyed around the world, holding sunrise services spread and became a tradition in many places. The service emphasizes that Jesus no longer lies in the tomb but arose and lives.

One of the most famous sunrise services in the United States is still held at a Moravian Church. More than 6,000 worshipers gather just before dawn outside Home Moravian Church in historical Old Salem in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. These services began in 1772, making them also one of the oldest. Like their predecessors in Germany, they hold a worship service and then move to the nearby historic graveyard, God's Acre, to conclude the service.

 It's often hard to think of Jesus' intense suffering and death on the cross. However, the resurrection brings joy. It means everything to the Christian believer. We all should celebrate in our hearts because the Son has risen.



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