Thursday, September 23, 2021

Out of Egypt

And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush (Exodus 3:4a).

When God spoke to Moses from the burning bush and told him to go to Egypt to lead the Israelites to freedom, Moses responded with reluctant questions and excuses. But who could blame him? He'd fled Egypt to avoid the consequences of killing an Egyptian guard who whipped a Hebrew slave, and Moses didn't want to return. However, he finally agreed.

And the Lord said unto Moses, Yet will I bring one plague more upon Pharoah, and upon Egypt (Exodus 11:1a).

In Egypt, Pharoah resisted any attempt to release the slaves, so God sent ten plagues. Between some of them, Pharoah promised to release the Israelites, but he reneged when the plagues ceased. Here are the ten plagues:

  1. All the water turned to blood
  2. Every surface was covered with frogs
  3. Lice became rampant throughout Egypt
  4. Swarms of flies invaded
  5. The Egyptians' livestock died but not that of the Israelites
  6. Severe boils covered all the Egyptians and their animals
  7. Hail and fire rained down on Egypt
  8. Locusts descended, covered the earth, and devoured all plants
  9. A thick darkness covered the land
  10. The firstborn of all living things died, except for with the Israelites 
And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left (Exodus 14:22).

With so much death, including Pharoah's firstborn, Pharoah told the Israelites to leave. However, he again regretted it and sent his army to bring them back. But God took care of His people by parting the Red Sea, so they could walk through it. When Pharoah's army tried to follow, the sea walls fell, drowning them. Through one miracle after another, God brought His people to freedom.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8 28),

God's timing and ways might not be what we expect, but He takes care of His people and hears their pleas. We can rely on Him to always do what is best and see us home. 

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