Thursday, September 2, 2021

 Becoming Like Christ

Read Matthew 5:3-16.

Too often Christians spend much of their time doing things to try to please God, but God isn't pleased by what we do as much as He is by who we are. Jesus explained this further in one of the greatest sermons ever preached. We know it as the Beatitudes, where he tells us how we're supposed to "be." The traits he describes will lead us to become more Christ-like. It's crucial how our hearts open to Him, welcome Him in, and surrender to His Lordship.

Too many people try to substitute doing as much good as they can for being who they should be. Many of the Pharisees did this during Jesus' time, but it's truly getting the cart before the horse. What we do is important, but our good works accomplish the most and are the most meaningful when they come from a right relationship with Christ -- when we are growing in Him and becoming more like Him. This should be the first goal of all Christians. Our doing should stem from this right relationship and be Christ-directed.

Doing things outside of ourselves is much easier than being who we should be on the inside.  In fact, we can perform good works and never ask Christ into our lives or allow Him to change us. He must be our vine, our source of life, and we the branches that grow and are nourished in Him. As Andy Ripley says in his book God Is Speaking: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, "It is only through your connection with Jesus that you can do something of true value." Let's BE who He teaches us to be.


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