Monday, July 27, 2020

Hosting Special Book or Author Events Online

Book parties, author takeovers, and guest hosting offer authors special opportunities to promote their books, reach a new audience, and garner new fans. However, successful ones take special thought and careful planning. Here are some tips and thoughts for you to consider.

Although one of your goals is to promote your book(s), you should not solely focus on advertising. You need to engage your audience. Ask provocative questions that participants will want to answer. Try to avoid those questions that have been overused and come up with fresh ideas. Provide games or puzzles when appropriate. You want to make this a fun time. It's good to center your posts around a theme that goes with your main book whenever possible. Have attractive posts with pictures ready ahead of time and labeled in the order you want to post them.

Videos are helpful, but amateurish, hastily thrown together ones can do more harm than good. Don't try to be overdramatic for it will come across as silly or ridiculous. If you can't get one of you talking that looks professional, make one that uses your books, scenes, and words with appropriate music in the background. It doesn't need to be long. Succinct and to the point is better. Still posts are fine, too. And don't forget to announce your event ahead of time to encourage interest.

If you need to choose a timeslot, midmorning gets more traffic but also be aware of the different time zones if you are posting on Facebook or a similar site. Even if you aren't hosting all day, try to stay as long as you can or be available because you will keep getting questions and comments even after your allotted time. 

If you haven't done this type of event before, it might be wise to start with a small one to gain some experience. The more you do, the more you will see what works and what doesn't. Have fun with it and let your enthusiasm show. However, don't fake it. Be natural and let the audience see the real you. That's what will draw a following.

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