Friday, May 4, 2018

Navigating Without Sight

Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day; the darkness and the light are both alike to thee (Psalm 139:12).

I recently flew roundtrip from North Carolina to Nevada, and one of the flights was at night. Not only was I surrounded by clouds or darkness on the two flights, but so were the pilots. In fact, moving along at such high speeds, a pilot can't depend on his sight, anyway. He must rely on his instruments, and I must rely on the pilot to get me to my destination without major problems.

The first flight was a bit rough with air pockets and winds, and the landing was the roughest I've had in quite a while. But I was thankful that we'd arrived safely. The return flight was smoother, and the landing was the easiest I'd felt in years. It was good to be nearing home.

The Christian life can be like this, too.We may be unsure of where we need to go or how to get there. When we look around, darkness surrounds us, and it can be daunting, but we know who to rely on - who to trust. When we keep our eyes on God and allow him to be our pilot (never just the copilot as some bumper stickers used to suggest), He'll get us to where we need to go. Sometimes, the journey may be rough and sometimes smooth, but we'll eventually arrive at our destination, heaven.


  1. Yes, Janice, I've been on a red-eye flight before. And one was terrifying as we were flying, trying to navigate around major storm systems. It was from Nevada back home to TN. When we landed for a layover in Atlanta, we discovered we actually flew near several tornados. I was praying constantly during that flight. Love the analogy and your words here: "The Christian life can be like this, too. We may be unsure of where we need to go or how to get there." Amen.

  2. Thank you for your comment and insight, Karen.
