Friday, June 24, 2016

Why Do You Read Your Bible?

Too many come to church and read their Bibles from a sense of duty rather than a sense of pleasure. Even so, with prayers for help and by sticking with it, they can get to the point where they hunger and thirst for the Word and look forward to studying it at least daily. It can be a delight.

Others want to open their Bibles to fix what problems they have at the time. Although it's true the Bible offers words of wisdom that deliver answers and comfort, if we only turn to the Bible to satisfy our needs then we haven't moved beyond our selfish outlook to become the servants Christ asks us to be. "If we only open the Bible when we're in trouble, then we're in trouble" (Sweeter Than Chocolate, Cindy Bower, kindle loc. 183). 

How much better it is to study the Bible in order to know God, understand His teachings, and please the Creator Whom we love. A side effect of this is that we'll prevent many problems from starting, and the ones that do won't have nearly the impact, because our focus is on our Lord and not our circumstances. This is the way to live free indeed!

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path (Psalm 119:105).
