Another Chance
Read Jonah 1:8 - 3:10
When the captain and sailors on the ship Jonah had boarded to go to Tarshish were about to perish, the captain went below to wake Jonah up and speak with him. Yes, Jonah had slept through this violent storm. Jonah explained who he was, and the captain asked him what he should do.
To Jonah's credit, he told them to throw him overboard. The prophet knew that he was the problem, and he was willing to be thrown overboard to save the others. Of course it looked like Jonah would perish either way. However, he didn't. God was still there, and He sent a big fish to swallow Jonah from the churning waters. Then the waters calmed, almost immediately, and the sailors were saved.
Then Jonah prayed unto the Lord his God out of the fish's belly, And said, I cried by reason on mine affliction unto the Lord, and he heard me; out of the belly of hell cried out I and thou heardest my voice" (Jonah 2: 1-2).

The barbaric Ninevites listened, put on sack cloths, and fasted - everyone from the king to their livestock fasted. Because they repented God spared them and about 120,000 souls were saved. The prophet who had run from God became one of the most successful as far as the numbers go. This holds important lessons for us. If someone as cruel as the Assyrians can be forgiven and saved, so can all of us. And God never gives up on anyone. He wants all of His wayward children to come to Him. We serve an awesome God of many chances.
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