Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Rocking Horse for Christmas

My mother tended to hold on to things longer than many families did. There's a bad and good side to this. It can present storage problems and create clutter, but memories are saved, and I have many of my early toys and hobbies. Perhaps the oldest object saved from my childhood is my rocking horse.

I was so young when Santa Claus brought the rocking horse that I don't really remember getting it. I must have been around two at the time. Or perhaps I had just turned three, because my birthday is near Christmas. I vaguely remember riding it some, however. I even have a black and white photograph somewhere that mother took of me clowning around on it.

The horse is made of wood, painted white, and accented in dark blue, red, black, and brown. To be as old as it is and used as much as it was, it's still in good shape. It was likely bought in 1949 or 1950. My children and grandchildren also used it some, and, thanks to Mom, I still have it.

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