Wednesday, October 9, 2019

How Much Is a Book Worth?

Today's value system leaves many questions. When professional athletes and entertainment stars make mega-millions, and in some states, our teachers' children often qualify for reduced-price school lunches if both parents don't work, we might scratch our heads.

It's the same with books. Most people balk at paying $20 for a book. Many even frown at paying nearly $5 for an ebook. Yet, these same people have no problem paying over $5 for a cup of Starbucks coffee or a dish of frozen yogurt that will be gone and forgotten in a few minutes. 

With indie authors and publishers sometimes offering free ebooks, is that our expectation now? Do readers expect their books to be free? I'm an avid reader, too, and I find my mindset changing over the years. There're whole groups of people out there, especially on social media sites, who expect authors to send them free books for their reviews or even with no strings attached. Are we defeating the rising writing stars before they get off the ground? Is writing only going to be left to a select few and those who do it as a hobby?

More and more authors are finding it hard to contend with the market changing and values falling. However, I love books, both reading and writing them. This is one of the reasons I write and publish. However, a part of me still wishes people valued them more. How much are several hours of entertainment really worth? How much does it cost to go to ballgames, concerts, or amusement parks? A book even lasts longer than these. Perhaps, we publishers and authors have helped in devaluing our books. When one considers the time and work that goes into writing and producing a book, free and ninety-nine-cent books look rather ridiculous. Even $5 - $20 is a real bargain.

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