Saturday, November 28, 2015

Hawk Returns

Hawk, a Cherokee brave, was an important secondary character in my first novel in the Appalachian Roots Series, Cleared for Planting. He was one of those characters, who would not go away. When I originally created him, I thought he would be a very minor character, but he evolved into so much more. Hawk is the character I've cried over more than any character I've ever created, because, in some ways,  he didn't really find the happiness he longed for or deserved. 

He's never left me but has resided in the corner of my mind ever since he came upon the scene. I couldn't forget him. So, Hawk comes back near the first of Uprooted by War, the third book in the series. This manuscript is with an editor at Ambassador International now. It should be out early in 2016. Hawk plays a greater role this time than he did in the first book. I won't tell you much more about Hawk's return, because I don't want to present any spoilers. However, I hope readers will finally feel that Hawk has been vindicated. I do.

I know I wasn't the only one who cried over Hawk's situation. Other readers have told me they felt the same way. I think its great when readers (and authors) get that caught up in the story and the characters. If a reader is moved to tears but gives a big smile at the end of the book, that says a lot. I appreciate all of you who are giving my books that chance.

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