Friday, September 12, 2014

Philadelphia Firsts

The City of Brotherly Love played an important part in the early history of the colonies and then the nation. In October 2004, I wrote a brief article for Cobblestone, the themed history magazine, about some things Philadelphia is noted for having first. I thought I would share them with you:

The first library in America opened in Philadelphia in 1731.

The first firefighting company was organized in Philadelphia in 1736.

The first independent hospital in American was established there in 1751.

The first political cartoon in America was drawn in Philadelphia in 1754.

The first American flag was designed and sewn there in 1777.

The first public bank in America opened its doors in Philadelphia in 1780.


  1. I am originally from Philadelphia, so perhaps that is cheating. But I did know all of them except for the political cartoon. Makes sense though!

  2. That's good. There's also a few more I could have included., but I chose to make it simple. I lived in West Chester, PA, east of Philadelphia for three summers during the time I was teaching in North Carolina. In fact, I have two novel manuscripts set in Pennsylvania - one historical and one contemporary. Thank you for taking the time to comment. I hope you'll consider following my blog each day.
