Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Cherokee Characters

The Cherokee played an important part in the history of Western North Carolina. In Part One of Cleared for Planting, there are several Cherokee secondary characters. Emma doesn't know their names, and she has a hard time pronouncing the Cherokee words, so she makes up names of her own for the four braves she first meets. None of them speak English.

The leader (later Hawk) - although young, he's already emerging as a leader among his people. He's fit, intelligent, and honorable. In many ways he acts older than his late teens. Emma learns to trust him, and he tries to protect her.

Scarface - sided with the leader most of the time. He followed orders and doesn't seem to be a problem.

Sliced Arm - got his name when Emma cut his arm trying to defend herself. He seems to resent the leader but feels he'd be defeated if he challenges him openly. He seems bitter, especially toward the white settlers and anyone who favors them.

Square Head - follows Sliced Arm most of the time, although he doesn't look for ways to cause problems.

In Part Two of Cleared for Planting, Sarah, one of the main
characters, is half Cherokee. Her mother is Cherokee and her father is American Irish. She comes to the Moretz farm with her parents for a visit and decides to stay there until spring.


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