Thursday, February 6, 2025


If you've read much in The Book of Psalms, you've seen the name Asaph because he wrote twelve of them. Just who was Asaph? He was a musician, poet, scribe, and prophet under both David and Solomon. He must have been talented because at least three Levites were assigned to this leadership position, including Herman and Ethan (Jeduthum). However, Asaph was the only one who had psalms attributed to him in the Bible. His duties are detailed in 1 Chronicles 16. Even many years later, people were still singing the songs of Asaph and David (see 2 Chronicles 19:30).

Read 1 Chronicles 15: 16-17.

The Bible only tells us a little about Asaph. His father was Berechiah. The sons of Asaph are mentioned in 1 Chronicles 25:1, 2 Chronicles 20:14, and Ezra 2:41. Ezra says Asaph had 128 sons. Some writers take this literally since men during David and Solomon's reigns had wives and concubines, but others believe these were students of Asaph.

As a man of many talents and one of the writers in the Bible, Asaph has influenced many. Even more importantly, he recognized where his gifts came from and used his talents to praise and glorify God, sharing God's Word with a world desperately needing it. We should do the same.


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