Unanswered Prayer
Read Mark 14:34-36
God doesn't always answer our prayers in the way we want Him to. He always does what He knows is best, and we may not know what that is. He does. He knows all, even the future, and therefore, His plans are perfect. He didn't even always answer His Son's prayers. Remember Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane.Jesus went to the olive orchard, a secluded place to pray. He knew that, in a few hours, He would be captured, tried, abused, and then crucified. He poured out his heart to God, begging Him to take this bitter cup of pain and agony from Him. However, He added, "But thy will be done." That addition, God did answer, but the cup wasn't taken from Him, because God had a greater plan. This was the only way to make salvation available to all of mankind.Jesus trusted His Father, and he willingly went to the cross to fulfill God's greater plan because He shared in that great love for us. That's the key for us too. We must trust God completely. If it seems that God doesn't answer our prayers, it's either because the time isn't right, and we must wait, or God has something better in mind. There are really no unanswered prayers for those who know Christ as their Savior. The answer is either "No," "Wait," or "Yes."_____________________________