Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Pricing Books

Since I have started publishing independently, I have debated how to price my ebooks. Largely, I have gone by page numbers for my novels. Less than 100 pages, I price at 99 cents. If the page count falls between 100 - 250 pages, I've priced it at $2.99. And if a book is over 250 pages it is $3.99. I have skipped $1.99 because Amazon gives a much lower percentage for books under $2.99. I also use the print book to get the page numbers because it is more accurate than the estimated page count for the Kindle version.

At one time, I considered lowering the $3.99 books to $2.99, but I was unsure. At that time the $2.99 books were selling much better than the others. But right now, price doesn't seem to matter. I have 5 books that are selling so well that I am amazed, and they are at differing price ranges. Therefore, it would seem that as long as it's not outrageously high, price really doesn't matter that much.

I know by comments I've seen that other authors also struggle with this issue. However, readers seem to understand how much work goes into all the steps of writing a book, and they don't mind to pay a reasonable price for one. For now, I will continue the pricing the way I have. If the situation changes, I will reconsider the issue.

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