Saturday, August 8, 2015

Blog Popularity

Both Blogger and I keep records on my blogs, and I find them interesting, although I'm having a hard time knowing what topics people will enjoy reading. The blogs I do about writing and blogging on Saturdays and my Sunday messages are consistently the most popular, but they aren't always the most read individual blogs. Here is a list with my most popular blog first:

Mother Teresa
Somerset Place
Doctors in America
Garbage In, Garbage Out 
Counterfeit Faith 
German Christmases in the Colonies
The First Witch Hanging in America
Native American Clans
No Complaints
Wagons West

(If you'd like to reread any of these, just type the title or subject in the white search bar at the top of one of my blogs.)

The list of the least popular blogs are just about as diverse, although most of these came at the very beginning of my blogging, before I'd built much of a following. Here are the 12 least popular beginning with the least favorite:

How I became a Writer
What Boone, NC, Was First Called
Meet Edgar Moretz
Author Uses Unforeseen Source for Research
Colonial Signs
Stifling Stress
Cherokee Characters
Betsy Ross
Corn Crops
The Cookie House
Grandfather Mountain
Real People in Historical Fiction

Blogger counts daily visits to my page, so I get the statistics for the number of visitors each day. I would love to build these numbers, so I appreciate any visits you make. Be sure to click the  small "follow" at the top right, just under the cover photo. Please leave feedback, so I know what you like. I understand all our time is limited, but my blogs are always short and quick to read, and I put hours into writing them. I do try to make them interesting, and I can see the numbers are building. Thanks everyone!

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