Sunday, March 8, 2015

Choosing a Church

Most Christians come to a point in their lives where they need to choose a church to attend. Many of us do that several times as school, jobs, or family require moves. How do you go about choosing?

I think too many might go about this all wrong. They try to find a church that appeals to them, instead of the one where God wants them. I find that more and more today, people look to be entertained and moved. They look for a church that can meet their needs. Perhaps it would be better to consider one where they are needed, where they can best serve God. Certainly, they need to pray and turn the decision over to Him.

It's fine to consider how well you'll be fed by God's word and encouraged by His people, but sometimes God wants us to go where we can make a difference. I strongly believe the key to any decision is seeking God's will. He can see the big picture - the past, present, and future. You can trust Him to never lead you astray.

Even if you don't need to find a new church home, it may be good to look at your church through fresh eyes. How active are you in God's kingdom building? How willing are you to answer God's call when He sends opportunities your way? In what ways could you make your church stronger, according to God's plan? 

1 comment:

  1. I was excited to read your post and the note about the sale of this first in the series being a factor in doing the second. I am a writer, mostly inspirational poetry but some free verse. I have one book published and a few poems published in magazines. Let me encourage you to continue to "stir up this gift, that is within you." I read the first pages of your book and it draws you in quickly. Keep writing. Your work reminds me of Janette Oaks. She was much loved. There have been many good films made from her books. I can see that coming from yours.
